Our program Be a Buddy not a Bully is accessible and equitable sport and recreation opportunities for children in Edmonton Alberta Canada.
"BE A BUDDY NOT A BULLY PROGRAM" offered by the Kamikaze Punishment Foundation is an Anti-Bully weekly children's training programs offered to the community of Edmonton Alberta Canada. There are 6 classes a week of martial arts development in the following amateur sports of boxing, judo, Taekwondo, karate and wrestling classes with highly qualified coaches in each discipline of Jujitsu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Judo, Kickboxing & Wrestling. Their proficiency in handling children has been instrumental in introducing children to the exciting world of martial arts training, guiding them along a path of fun, discipline and fitness. Our Be a Buddy not a Bully classes are full with lots of kids bursting with positive energy and an immense desire to develop their skills. All the children train hard in the sessions, and there is no doubt that they will excel in future. Classes are specifically designed to help the youth understand what bullying really is and how it negatively effects the community.
We layout out safe and practical ways of dealing with bullies with our be a “Buddy not a Bully” motivational speeches.
Key topics covered during classes:
-Self-worth & pride.
-Definition of Bullying.
-Ways Bullying can affect people.
-Ways to deal with Bullies.
-Cyber Bullying impact.
-Self Defense tactics that work.
-Health & Nutrition advice.
-Healthy body and healthy mind creating success in all aspects of life.
-The Buddy Board Concept-
Every day we talk to the kids, and ask them about their day and engage in some small talk to build a relationship with the kids. Over the last few weeks we’ve noticed that the children would always tell us about negative behaviors, we want to try and change this.
We came up with the Buddy Board. The concept of the buddy board is promoting positive behaviors, and to lead by example. We challenge the children to do one nice thing a day for someone else. The nice gesture can be for anyone, as long as they have made someone else’s day a little bit better because of their act of kindness. The goal is so that we have our little chats with the children each day, we want to hear about how they’ve helped someone, not about how they got into trouble.
Our children’s program has ran for many years with a proven track record of success engaging the youth about the consequences of bullying.
Kamikaze Punishment Foundation facility is open to the general public our programs are offered for ages 5 years old and up. We are willing to work with all income levels to give the every youth access to participate in our amateur sports programs. We keep our costs low and work with families to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to take part in our programs.
No one is ever turned away from our facility. If our costs are not within the family budget we work out a fee that is fair and affordable to both sides. Kamikaze Punishment Foundation develops its students to reach their full potential through self-discipline, confidence, fitness, and sportsmanship. Our certified NCCP coaching staff presents the highest quality programs is a safe manor.
Our registration fees are kept below the industry standards as we offset operating cost with team building fundraisers in the community. We will never turn anyone away from training in our facility that is ready to learn and brings a positive attitude.
Being a non for profit organization we can only offer so many times and dates to the local community for this program however with more funding we can positively affect even more of the youth in the community. Children ages 5 to 12 are able to enroll in our programs which we can add more content to impact the delivery method for the children. Please visit our website www.kpfit.club to see our children's programs offered as our program delivery is by the way of the amateur sports of boxing, judo, taekwondo, karate and wrestling classes.